Our Dedicated FL Accident Attorneys Explain the Key Challenges of Filing an Accident Claim With Geico

Filing a personal injury claim with any insurance company can be complicated and frustrating, and your communication with the insurance adjuster needs careful attention, or it can jeopardize your compensation for damages. This is especially true if you have Geico Insurance. Filing a claim with Geico | Florida Car Accident Lawyer

Whether you’re a Geico subscriber or filing a claim against a driver with Geico insurance, the process is hardly straightforward. Like most insurance companies, Geico may attempt to minimize the value of your claim or try to deny it altogether, leaving you confused about how to move forward. At Spetsas Buist, our skilled Florida car accident attorneys have years of experience helping accident victims protect their rights. Here, we discuss how to file a claim with Geico and our tips for maximizing your potential compensation.

What You Need to Help File a Successful Personal Injury Claim in Florida

When you file a personal injury claim with your insurance company, you do so to obtain compensation for your losses. However, most insurance companies will try to minimize the value of your claim so they pay out as little as possible. It’s important to take immediate action to protect your right to a fair settlement. Knowing what to do at the scene of the accident and after can help strengthen a personal injury claim you may make later. If possible, take the following steps to prepare for your claim:

  • Seek medical attention right away. Don’t wait to see a doctor, even if you feel fine. The hormones released during stressful situations may mask pain for several days, and symptoms may not present right away. So, it’s important to be seen by a medical professional immediately in case you have severe injuries such as a brain injury or internal bleeding. Additionally, going to the doctor right away helps establish a connection between the accident and your injuries.
  • Gather evidence at the scene of the accident. If you can safely do so, gather as much evidence as possible. Take photos and videos of vehicle damage, your injuries, and road conditions. Gather contact and insurance information from the drivers involved and from witnesses. Call the police and request an officer to write up a police report.
  • Keep meticulous records. Collect medical records and bills, doctor notes, and rehabilitation appointment schedules. Gather pay stubs and information about missed work due to the accident.
  • File your claim right away. It’s common to forget details if you wait too long to file a personal injury claim. It’s important to file right away to keep details fresh in your mind and to avoid any doubt about the connection between your injuries, property damage, and the accident.

How to File a Florida Car Accident Insurance Claim with Geico

You can file a car accident insurance claim with Geico online, through the Geico mobile app, or by calling them. You will be asked for information about the accident, including the state where it occurred, the date and time of the incident, and a general description of the incident.

You’ll also be asked about contact information for other involved parties, vehicle locations, property owner information, and police report details. This is important for your claim, but if you’re waiting for the police report or other information, you can still file your claim without it. If you file through the Geico app, you can use their photo estimate service to upload pictures of your vehicle and get preliminary estimates.

You’ll get a confirmation email, and a claim examiner will call to discuss the incident, explain the next steps of the process, and schedule a Geico auto damage adjuster to inspect your vehicle and any damage sustained in the accident. You may receive this phone call the same day you file your claim, but if you file after 8 p.m., you’ll likely receive a call the next day.

How to Deal With Geico Insurance Adjusters

It’s important to minimize your communication with insurance adjusters because many are trained to find ways to reduce a client’s potential payout. It’s easy to make mistakes when talking to them, so it’s critical to consider your words carefully. Here are a few tips for dealing with insurance adjusters:

  • Do not admit fault.
  • Preserve all evidence to create a substantive claim.
  • Do not provide a recorded statement.
  • Wait to sign legal documents until you have consulted an attorney.
  • Don’t accept the first offer.
Charles Buist
Helping Florida residents injured in car accidents, hurt due to negligent security, wrongful death and more.
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